The Ashtanga Koh Phangan yoga Shala is lead by the founders and by friends Ashtanga Yoga Authorized teachers from official school of Sharath Jois Center SYC & Sri K. Patthabi Jois KPJAYI in Mysore India only.
Season Teachers
The list of teachers will be displayed below according to their teaching season in Ashtanga Koh Phangan.
(If you are authorized teacher and wish to teach a season in Koh Phangan (minimum 2 months) contact us
• Next season teacher coming soon…

Founders of the Shala
Authorized Teachers
Cyril Lagel KPJAYI / SYC & Tran Bui SYC
Makes yearly trips to Mysore, India to study under the guidance of our teacher, R. Sharath Jois in 2012, We are dedicated to sharing the practice with others and providing a community where practitioners can find support in their practice. Seeking to preserve the traditional method, teaches daily Mysore classes and Led class previously in Europe for 10 years.
Directors of Mysore Style Paris & Authors of the book (in french) “Better understand Ashtanga Yoga“
What is Ashtanga Yoga ?
Ashtanga yoga literally means « yoga of eight limbs » (ashtau = eight; anga = limbs) in reference to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The traditional method of Ashtanga yoga according involves respecting different precise techniques. The breath, the posture, the vinyasa technique, the bandhas (energy locks) and the drishtis (gaze) must be practiced together in order to create warmth in the body. This heat is intended to make the energy flow and protect our body by generating a global cleansing process.
The postural practice of Ashtanga yoga follows a predetermined sequence to help the body enter in an active meditation. When practiced with awareness and sincerity beyond the postures, Ashtanga yoga helps to develop more awareness of the body and the mind allowing us to gradually get closer to our true nature, our self.
The original school of Ashtanga Yoga is the KPJAYI in Mysore India and has been created by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. Today it has been renamed Sharath Yoga Center (SYC) directed by his grand-son Sharath Jois. It is the one and only school that has the authority to pass on the lineage of the traditional method.