I have an injury, can I still join the classes?
Yes, of course!
It is unfortunate that you have an injury if it is from the practice or an unexperienced teacher forcing you into a posture before you’re ready. We focus on quality, not how many poses you can race through or what series you’re on.
We focus on the essential aspects of the practice and it’s meditational qualities. We are looking for an “energic” posture appropirate for you being an unique individual.
The Primary Series of Ashtanga is set up to heal the body and mind if used properly. It can cause severe injury if done wrongly.
This is why you need qualified teachers of this method to guide you. Even if you are “advanced”, there is always space to expand into.
Come and experience the joy of practice and the healing effect of purifiying the body/mind so that you feel calm, relaxed and energized!
Contact us if you need more informations