In a Mysore-style class, each student practices at their own pace by following their breath independently of the rest of the group. The teacher is present to help the student with verbal indications or postural adjustments if necessary and to provide support. It is an autonomous practice that requires deconstructing the routine of directed lessons and allows the lesson to be adapted to the needs of the students according to the specificities of their body and their practice. This type of course is in the tradition of teaching Yoga, which favors the personal relationship between teacher and student.
The interest of Mysore-style classes is that the teacher must know the way of practicing of each student and follow their individual development. It is he or she who decides to teach new postures when the student is ready. This notion of when you are ready can be different for each person. We can be ready when we are able to perform the posture with ease and fluidity, or we can be ready when the time has come to approach a posture that makes us work on our fears and our limits.
Mysore-style refers to the city in India where Pattabhi Jois lived and taught for several decades. Within his shala he taught only in this way, then over the years he began to offer tutorials on Fridays and Sundays.
Personal practice can be done at home when you are unable to attend classes. When you practice alone, remember to create a space in which you feel good, a quiet place to make the most of your practice.
At Mysore-style, all levels of practice and experience are welcome. These courses are designed to best meet everyone’s needs.
It is also considered a supervised self-practice where the asanas are introduced and taught, one by one, so that the student can easily memorize the sequence with confidence fortifying their skills to walk through the practice in a way that favors a sense of empowerment, firmness and calm. The student progresses at his own pace with the help of his teacher. There is always guidance and support when needed, with the aim of meeting the needs of each student as best as possible.
The recommendation when taking the first steps in Mysore is that students commit to going there for at least one-week recommend two-week for beginners to accelerate and deepen the learning process. It’s the fastest, safest and most rewarding way to learn, and the way you’ll benefit the most. If for some reason you have to practice alone for long months, it is strongly recommended that you attend workshops or go to Mysore in India to study to ensure that you are still practicing correctly on a physical level. , but also respiratory, energetic and with the right intention.
Based on Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga, Ashtanga consists of Primary, Intermediate and Advanced sequences. 6 set sequences of asanas (poses) with 3 key principles, or the Tristana:
Ujjayi breathing : A breathing technique that you perform throughout your practice
Dristi : Where you gaze in each pose (e.g. nose, brow, toes, fingers etc)
Bandha : Redirection of energy that we use to activate the body throughout the practice
Vinyasa is also an integral part of the Ashtanga method. It is actually called “Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga” – It is the vital movement with breath that helps to build heat and dynamic flow.
If you’re reading this then you’re probably new to the game and will be focusing on the Primary Series. Don’t worry about learning the sequence in advance. The Mysore style works because your teachers give you the poses one by one.
We’ll take care of you and guide you at a pace that’s right for your body and your life. Taking it one step at a time so you get to understand, respect and integrate the process, which is why we stand by Ashtanga Mysore over a led class.
New to Ashtanga Yoga Mysore
If you’re new to Ashtanga Mysore style, you’ve found the right place.
Starting in the science of Ashtanga Yoga Mysore. We’ll expertly guide you into the Primary Series of Asanas (poses) and introduce you to the fundamental principles of Ashtanga.
Requirements :
What are the requirements for a beginner in Ashtanga Yoga Mysore style?
• A one-week minimum, recommend two-week for beginners.
• Daily Ashtanga Yoga Mysore self-practice from Monday to Friday and Traditional Led Class on Saturday at the Shala.
• There’s no need to learn any part of the series before you arrive.
How do I start ?

More about Mysore Style